Saturday, August 3, 2013

Back again!

Saturday 3 Aug 2013.

Well, a year later and I've decided to start writing here again. Biggest news (and the main reason for starting up again) is that I'm pregnant. 26 weeks tomorrow. It was a long time coming - about a year of trying, acupuncture, a scheduled surgery for endo treatment and a naturopath later and we managed it ourselves. So bub is due in November. I'm excited and apprehensive all at once.

In other news, Miss C is doing beautifully. At almost three (in 3 months) she's talking up a storm, although only to the people she knows quite well. She's very quiet, gentle, not many tears or arguments. She gets argumentative when tired, but other than that we haven't seen any of the terrible twos or public tantrums. Still struggling with potty training which concerns me greatly. I know kids are all different but I do worry she's lagging a bit on this one. It's difficult when i'm working full time (yep, full time this year - yikes!) as I need everyone else on board and they aren't necessarily as keen as I am to push her. But she'll get there, hopefully before this baby arrives!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

14 July 2012 - updates

Once again, it's been months. Happy Bastille Day!


- still at daycare two days a week, and finally loving it. When I ask if she wants to go to "school" she actually grins.

- Eating is not going well.  She refuses to eat most evening meals, which is frustrating. Hubby keeps feeding her snacks, so we have to cut them back so she's hungrier at dinner and will eat what we cook.I've borrowed "French Children Don't Throw Food" from the library. First task - meals at mealtimes only. Second task - no more snacks as bribery (eg. to keep calm in the car). Third task - she will eat what is given at dinner, or scrambled egg, or just bedtime milk.  No more choices.

- she has about 25 signs now. I'm thinking of becoming a baby sign instructor. She's like a sponge and wants to know more, more more. Last week we showed her a possum outside and she signed "cat".  So it's all computing in her cute little brain!

- She's had two haircuts. Less mullet, more style now! Have kept a lock of her hair, a little curl from the first haircut.

- Lots of words and attitude are starting to appear. Plenty of "no". Grrr.

- She wants to sit on the potty "pot pot" but it has only seen one deposit, at Yia Yia's. She ran screaming from it. Not a good start!

- Loves: strawberries ("dawbies"); cooking (play cooking utensils in a container of rolled oats); posting (colander and pipe cleaners); drawing with chalk on the fridge chalkboard; books; watching the birds outside; babycinos at the Store; scrambled eggs; chairs.

- She is starting to say her own name, although about a month ago her favourite joke was that her name was "Yia Yia". We would ask her what her name was, she would reply "yia yia!" and laugh hysterically. I love that she is starting to develop a sense of humour.

- Everything red is "apple". I guess colours are the next thing to work on.

Dislikes the beach. She tiptoed around in the sand last weekend at Fingal Bay and said "no, no!" when I showed her the water after being forced to paddle the first time. She did enjoy sitting in the sand and playing with handfuls of it though.

Tomorrow we are going to put her toddler bed together.  Her Boori cot changes into a toddler bed so we just have to get the bits from mum and dads and take off the cot parts and put on the bed parts. She doesn't sleep well and over the past two months has spent a lot of time in our bed (where she sleeps very well). We bought a king size doona because of these nocturnal visits as one of us was always missing out! 

I'm feeling the pressure on making her baby album, so plan to get to it ASAP.

Monday, March 19, 2012

19 March 2012

Wow. Again, i've really let the blogging thing slide. And such a lot has happened with our little Miss:
*In the last week she grew three teeth (two bottom molars, one on each side,and one on her top right).
* She now says so many more words and is a little parrot. Apple, Hi, Cheese, YiaYia, Pa, Bubba, more, drink, hot, Mama, dadda, Pooh, Elmo, Nanna, bike, duck, hands, knees, hair, hat, bath time, help, turtle, socks, home, Bisbee, car, "pot pot" (potty), hospital, yes, tea, and no. I think there are more, but can't think of them.
* When she is in the bath she points to her toothbrush and says "shhh shh shhh" and make a teeth brushing motion.
* Other signs include egg, cheese, hot, sandwich, bath time, more, food, drink, finished, duck, bird, fish, cat and cold.
* She still won't do the sign for dog or say dog, but instead prefers to pant like a dog whenever she sees one. She is also a fan of telling any dog who barks to "uh ah" complete with a hand waggle.
* Daycare is still rough at drop off time. She cries. Big, sobbing cries with wails of "mummmmaaaaa". Breaks my heart every time. Still only 2 days a week, but she apparently gets happier once I leave.
* She understands so much. Tonight I asked her to come help me with the washing, so she put the pegs away while I took the washing off the line. We then went inside and I took off her shoes and told her to put them in the shoe basket. She is able to follow all these instructions (when she wants to) so competently, it blows my mind.
* If she sees someone or an animal asleep (even on TV or in a book) she says "shhh" with her finger on her lips. It's adorable.
* She wants to read books all the time. All. The. Time. Constantly brings us books saying "ta?" to read them to her.
* Just over a week ago she pretended to feed her sandwich to her toy dog. Complete with eating sounds.
* Her curls are so long when wet, they come quite a way down her back. There is currently one on the top of her head which is completely un-tameable.
* Most night she sleeps through. Sometimes it's from 7pm-6am, but mostly from 11pm to 6-7am. I, however, still get up to check on her whenever I wake up (about three times a night).
* She loves her swing, milkshakes, going shopping, playing piano and walking. She is not so good at using a spoon, but we're working on it. She asks to sit on the potty, but it is yet to see a deposit. Her favourite thing to do is watch Elmo. Often, she will bring one of us the remote and say "Elmo" in a demanding tone. If we refuse, she stands in front of the TV demanding in louder and louder tones. (she doesn't always win).

My favourite thing of all is when she gives me cuddles and kisses just because she feels the urge. Melts me every time.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

26 Jan 2012 Australia Day

Been such a long time again since i've updated. Sorry if I repeat myself, but I'll try not to forget anything.

-She now has eight teeth. (four top, four bottom).
-Last night she slept 11 hours straight. 11 hours! Straight!
-She is desperately trying to say "milk". Kind of comes out as "meh", but is accompanied by the milk sign, so we know what she means.
-She pretty clearly says "bath time" along with the sign.
-Also says "butt rag", which i'm trying to change to "nappy"! She will often bring me a nappy when her butt needs changing, along with the words "butt rag". Turns out she listens to everything we say!
-Makes a noise/words that I know mean "where's Bisbee?" (the dog).
- signs include (in order they've been learned) bath, baby, hot, cold, and today we worked on kangaroo.
- She is walking/running everywhere. At speed. I'm thinking we need to get her one of those harness things (which, of course, I always swore we'd never do).
-Her hair is getting longer and curlier by the day. I love it.

She's booked into daycare 2 days a week - mon and tues. We're going in for 2 hours next Monday, then she officially starts the following week. I hate putting her in there, but we need both of us to have some work and hubby isn't getting a great income just now, so I need to do some casual stuff. I have no permanent job, but hoping for casual. Just a shame I'll have no idea which days I'm doing often until that morning, but that's the way the business goes. Hopefully after a few months of casual something more permanent will come up.

The move has really knocked me for six. I've been having lots of low days, with the anxiety creeping back in. Keeping up the St John's Wort, and have been to the doc for blood tests to assess iron again. Follow up appointment next week, so hoping he has some solutions for me. I've been exercising every day, hoping that helps. I've signed up for the 12wbt ( and bought a heart rate monitor, which is actually quite fun. Last week I went walking twice with other 12wbt local women, and on Monday night I did a local exercise class on the village green with some lovely women. Goal is to get down from this 75kg and hit 60kg. So far, no joy, but the 12wbt officially starts mid feb, so hopefully my mindset will be better by then and I can hit the goal.

So that's it, I think. Chicken Little ("Monkey" seems to have taken a backseat lately, with Chicken Little being my new pet term!) is gorgeous and perfect and cheeky. She smiles and signs and talks and tells us what she wants and throws little tantrums. She brushed the dog's hair (when the dogs let her) and gives her teddies endless cuddles. What on earth did I do before she came along?!

Monday, January 2, 2012



Little Miss has started saying "ball" and today she pretty much properly said "bath time". "Elmo" is becoming clearer and when we ask her to say the dog's name, or "where is the dog" she says "uh ah!" and shakes her hand back and forth. Love it.

Bought her some cute slipper sock things (socks with rubber shoe soles attached) which she's been living in. Definitely helping her to walk, but I must get her some real shoes soon.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Been quite some time since I've posted, as it's been a crazy few weeks.
In a nutshell:
- we moved interstate.
- I said goodbye to my beautiful friends (hopefully more like a "see you later", though)
- moved into our spectacular new (to us) renovated house. Love, love, love it. Especially my awesome Ikea kitchen.
- Bubs started walking properly. It happened just before Christmas - about the 22nd, just before we moved during dinner at a friends' house. She walked the length of their house, unaided and unprompted towards her grandma. Within the week she has started to walk long, long distances and trying to run. And is therefore covered in bruises.
- She says "hat". All. The. Time.
- she says "uh ah" and shakes her hand side to side when she sees any dog. This was taught to her for when our dog moves back home (as soon as the fence is done) as ours likes to jump.
- She is signing "milk", "more", "food", "finished" and is trying to sign "bath".
- She can just about properly say "Elmo". Can also say "dada", "mama", and is trying to say everything else she hears. "Bathtime" has a certain grunty ring to it so I know that's what she's trying to say. "Hat" is absolutely the favourite.
- Plenty of pointing. Mostly to point and call things "hat" but she's curious and I love it.
- I've struggled a little with the move. Husband and I had food poisoning Christmas night which was a hard start to this new life. We're off to Church tomorrow to see if that helps with worming our way into this community. It's a tight knit community and I love how friendly everyone is, but I crave a friend. Or two.
- My new (to us) car is awesome. Love it (though not as much as the kitchen).

That's it, I think.

2011 has been a challenging one, and I've also developed some beautiful friendships that I really hope I can maintain long distance.  Our mothers group babies and their mums have been my lifeline this year and I hope I can find similar in 2012. Husband and I have had our ups and downs, but are stronger for it all. Selling the house, a baby who still wakes each night as a toddler, working away on one income - it's all been challenging, but I love him all the more for how he copes with it all and helps ground me.

Here's wishing everyone out there a positive 2012. May the universe return to you all you have put out there and bless you in the New Year.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Still only little walks here. Somehow she's decided that it's still not worth the effort to go more than a few steps. So cute to see her face when she does though! Full of pride and smiles.